Alejandro Cirici Pellicer, Picasso avant Picasso, Geneva, 1950, no. 63, illustrated n.p. (with incorrect dimensions and support). Christian Zervos, Pablo Picasso, Oeuvres de 1895 à1906, vol. I, Paris, 1957, no. 54, illustrated pl. 24. Anthony Blunt & Phoebe Pool, Picasso: The Formative Years, A Study of His Sources, London, 1962, no. 102, illustrated n.p. Pierre Daix & Georges Boudaille, Picasso, The Blue and Rose Periods: A Catalogue Raisonné, 1900-1906, London, 1967, no. VI.3, illustrated p. 193. Josep Palau i Fabre, Picasso: The Early Years, 1881-1907, New York, 1981, no. 690, illustrated p. 274 (titled Scene in a Public Garden and with incorrect support). The Picasso Project, ed., Picasso's Paintings, Watercolors, Drawings and Sculpture: Turn of the Century, 1900-1901, San Francisco, 2010, no. 1901-261, illustrated p. 182 (with incorrect support)