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Tête D'homme Barbu by Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso

Tête D'homme Barbu, 1964

Colored crayon on paper
64.8 x 50.1 cm (25.51 x 19.72 in)
Works on Paper
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Sotheby's, New York (07 Nov 2012)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Nov 7, 2012
Sotheby'sNew YorkImpressionist & Modern Art Day Sale311
$****** - ******
Tête D'homme Barbu
Similar Artworks
Artwork Description

Works on Paper


64.8 x 50.1 cm (25.51 x 19.72 in)


colored crayon on paper


Signed Picasso and dated 16.5.64. II (lower right)


Dr. & Mrs. Milton Ratner, Chicago

The Pace Gallery, New York

Acquired from the above


Hélène Parmelin, Picasso, Intimate Secrets of A Studio at Nôtre Dame de Vie, New York, 1966, illustrated p. 112; Christian Zervos, Pablo Picasso, Oeuvres de 1964, vol. XXIV, Paris, 1971, no. 156, illustrated pl. 57; The Picasso Project, ed., Picasso's Paintings, Watercolors, Drawings and Sculpture, The Sixties II, 1964-1967, San Francisco, 2002, no. 64-145, illustrated p. 46