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Composition (Composition Au Minotaure) by Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso

Composition (Composition Au Minotaure), 1936

Gouache, pen and ink and pencil on paper
50.2 x 65.2 cm (19.76 x 25.67 in)
Works on Paper
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Sotheby's, London (05 Feb 2014)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Feb 5, 2014
Sotheby'sLondonImpressionist, Modern & Surrealist Art Evening Sale18
$****** - ******
Composition (Composition Au Minotaure)
Similar Artworks
Artwork Description

Works on Paper


50.2 x 65.2 cm (19.76 x 25.67 in)


gouache, pen and ink and pencil on paper


dated 9 Mai XXXVI (lower right); dated 9 Mai XXXVI on the reverse


Estate of the artist (inv. 3871) Marina Picasso (the artist's granddaughter

by descent from the above) Acquired from the above by the late owner


New York, The Museum of Modern Art, Pablo Picasso. A Retrospective, 1980, illustrated in the catalogue Venice, Centro di Cultura di Palazzo Grassi, Picasso, Opere dal 1895 al 1971 dalla Collezione Marina Picasso, 1981, no. 228, illustrated in colour in the catalogue (titled Il Minotauro trafitto) Munich, Haus der Kunst; Cologne, Josef-Haubrich-Kunsthalle; Frankfurt, Städtische Galerie im Städelschen Kunstinstitut & Zurich, Kunsthaus, Pablo Picasso, Sammlung Marina Picasso, 1981-82, no. 187, illustrated in colour in the catalogue Tokyo, The National Museum of Modern Art & Kyoto, Municipal Museum, Picasso, Masterpieces from Marina Picasso Collection and Museums in U.S.A. and U.S.S.R., 1983, no. 148, illustrated in colour in the catalogue (titled Minotaur and Women) Melbourne, National Gallery of Victoria & Sydney, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Picasso, 1984, no. 113, illustrated in colour in the catalogue Tübingen, Kunsthalle & Düsseldorf, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Picasso: Pastelle, Zeichnungen, Aquarelle, 1986, no. 162, illustrated in colour in the catalogue Tokyo, Seibu Art Forum & Ohtsu, Seibu Hall, Pablo Picasso: Collection Marina Picasso, 1990-91, no. 19, illustrated in colour in the catalogue (titled Minotaur and Women) New York, Jan Krugier Gallery, Tauromaquia, Works by Pablo Picasso, Photographs by L. Clergue, 1991 Madrid, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Forma. El ideal clásico en el arte moderno, 2001-02, no. 62, illustrated in colour in the catalogue Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou, La Révolution Surréaliste, 2002, illustrated in colour in the catalogue Vienna, Albertina, Goya bis Picasso. Meisterwerke der Sammlung Jan Krugier und Marie-Anne Krugier-Poniatowski, 2005, no. 154, illustrated in colour in the catalogue Munich, Hypo-Kulturstiftung, Das Ewige Auge - Von Rembrandt bis Picasso. Meisterwerke aus der Sammlung Jan Krugier und Marie-Anne Krugier-Poniatowski, 2007, no. 189, illustrated in colour in the catalogue Basel, Fondation Beyeler, Surrealism in Paris, 2011-12, illustrated in colour in the catalogue