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Femme dans un fauteuil by Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso

Femme dans un fauteuil, 1941

Oil on canvas
129.9 x 96.5 cm (51.13 x 38 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, New York (07 Oct 2020)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Oct 7, 2020
Christie'sNew York20th Century Evening Sale8
$****** - ******
Femme dans un fauteuil
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Artwork Description



129.9 x 96.5 cm (51.13 x 38 in)


oil on canvas


Galerie Louise Leiris (Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler), Paris (acquired from the artist, after 1956).

Stephen Hahn, New York (by 1967).

Meshulam Riklis, New York.

Galerie Beyeler, Basel.

Placido Arango, New York (by 1981).

Galerie Beyeler, Basel.

Acquired from the above by the present owner.


London, Victoria and Albert Museum, Paintings by Picasso and Matisse, December 1945-January 1946.

Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum and Brussels, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Picasso, Matisse, April-May 1946.

Milan, Palazzo Reale, Pablo Picasso, September-November 1953, no. 93 (illustrated).

Paris, Musée des Arts Décoratifs; Munich, Haus der Kunst; Cologne, Rheinisches Museum and Kunsthalle-Altbau Hamburg, Picasso: Peintures 1900-1955, June 1955-April 1956, no. 98 (illustrated).

Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, Pablo Picasso: A Retrospective Exhibition, February-March 1967, p. 96, no. 65 (illustrated, p. 67).

Madrid, Fundación Juan March and Barcelona, Museu Picasso, Pablo Picasso, September 1977-January 1978, no. 21 and 25 respectively (illustrated in color).

Barcelona, Museu Picasso, Picasso, January-February 1982, no. 111.

Kunstmuseum Bern, Picasso und die Schweiz, October 2001-January 2002, p. 371, no. 132 (illustrated in color; with incorrect dimensions).


H. and S. Janis, Picasso: The Recent Years, 1939-1946, New York, 1946 (illustrated in situ at the 1945 Victoria and Albert Museum exhibition, London, pl. 19).

C. Zervos, Pablo Picasso, Paris, 1960, vol. 11, no. 191 (illustrated, pl. 81; with incorrect dimensions).

J. Lord, Picasso and Dora: A Personal Memoir, New York, 1993 (illustrated in situ in the artist's studio).

A. Podadera Sanchez, A. Romero Marquez and J.C. Jimenez Moreno, Genial Picasso, Malaga, 1996, p. 241.

Picaoo: Love and War, 1935-1945; Life with Dora Maar, exh. cat., National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, 2006, p. 206 (illustrated in situ in the artist's studio).