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Face With Circles by Pablo Picasso

Face With Circles, 1969

Glazed terre de fäience turned pitcher painted in green, red, blue and white
Edition of 500
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Doyle, New York (05 Nov 2012)

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Past Sales
ImageLast Sale DateTitleEdition No.Last SaleLast Sale Auction HouseLast Sale Location
Nov 5, 2012Face with circles31
DoyleNew York
Apr 20, 2011Face with circles248
DoyleNew York
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Artwork Description



29.3 cm (11.54 in)


Glazed terre de fäience turned pitcher painted in green, red, blue and white


Inscribed "Edition Picasso Madoura" and numbered 143/500 n the base. With the Madoura Plein Feua nd Edition Picasso stamps on the base


Glazed terre de fäience turned pitcher painted in green, red, blue and white, , with decoration in engobes under partial brushed glaze, gray patina and interior glaze, 1969. 293 mm; 11 1/2 inches (height). Inscribed "Edition Picasso Madoura" and numbered 143/500 n the base. With the Madoura Plein Feua nd Edition Picasso stamps on the base. Ramié 612.