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Ecuyére, Enfant, Et Jongleur Avec Ses Ballons; Horsewoman, Child and Juggler with his Balls (Bloch 1683; Baer 1699) by Pablo Picasso
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Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Larsen Art Auction, Scottsdale (24 Oct 2015)

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ImageLast Sale DateTitleEdition No.Last SaleLast Sale Auction HouseLast Sale Location
Oct 24, 2015Ecuyére, Enfant, Et Jongleur Avec Ses Ballons; Horsewoman, Child and Juggler with his Balls (Bloch 1683; Baer 1699)20
Larsen Art AuctionScottsdale
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Artwork Description

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27.9 x 34.3 cm (11 x 13.5 in)




Signed Picasso in pencil, lower right


Pablo Picasso Spanish, French 1881-1973

Ecuyére, Enfant, Et Jongleur Avec Ses Ballons, 1968


ed. 20 of 50

11" x 13.5" Signed Picasso in pencil, lower right

Horsewoman, Child and Juggler with his Balls (Bloch 1683; Baer 1699)

In his ninth decade, Picasso created the remarkable group of etchings known as the 347 Series (March 16 - October 5, 1968). He collaborated with the master printers Piero and Aldo Crommelynck, who brought in a special press from their atelier in Paris in 1963 to Picasso"s private studio near Cannes. The relationship between the artist and the brothers Crommelynck, who were familiar with the demands and the working process of Picasso, was responsible for the extraordinary output of intaglio prints he created at the end of his life.