M. Raynal, Picasso , Munich, 1922, (illustrated fig. V).
C. Zervos, Pablo Picasso , vol. I, Œuvres de 1895 à 1906 , Paris, 1949, no. 223 (illustrated pl. 99).
A. Cirici-Pellicer, Picasso avant Picasso , Geneva, 1950, p. 191 (illustrated).
C. Zervos, Pablo Picasso , vol. 6, Supplément aux volumes 1 à 5 , Paris, 1954, no. 411 (illustrated pl. 51; titled ‘Dessin à la plume'; dated ‘1902 or 1903').
L.G. Buchheim, Picasso, Eine Bildbiographie , Munich, 1958, p. 38 (illustrated).
J. Palau i Fabre, Picasso, Life and Work of the Early Years 1881-1907 , Cologne, 1981, no. 950, p. 543 (illustrated p. 364).
J. Richardson, A Life of Picasso , vol. I, The Prodigy, 1881-1906 , London, 1991, p. 299 (illustrated).
D. Bonnaffoux, ‘Paris vu par les peintres espagnols au tournant des XIXe-XXe siècles', in Cahiers d'études romanes , no. 6, Paris, 2001, p. 39.
L. Belloli, ‘Lost Paintings beneath Picasso's “La Coiffure”', in Metropolitan Museum Journal , vol. 40, Essays in Memory of John M. Brealey , New York, 2005, pp. 155-156 & 160 (illustrated fig. 8, p. 156).
Exh. cat., Picasso in The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York, 2010, p. 91 (illustrated fig 30.8, p. 91).