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UNTITLED #88 by Cindy Sherman

Cindy Sherman

UNTITLED #88, 1981

Chromogenic print
61 x 121.9 cm (24 x 48 in)
Edition of 10
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Sotheby's, New York (11 Nov 2014)

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Past Sales
ImageLast Sale DateTitleEdition No.Last SaleLast Sale Auction HouseLast Sale Location
Nov 11, 2014UNTITLED #888
Sotheby'sNew York
Nov 7, 2011UNTITLED #88
PhillipsNew York
Similar Artworks
Artwork Description



61 x 121.9 cm (24 x 48 in)


chromogenic print


Metro Pictures, New York

Saatchi Collection, London

Ash Fine Art, New York

Skarstedt Fine Art, New York (acquired from the above in 1999)

Acquired by the present owner from the above in 2005Exhibited

New York, Metro Pictures, Cindy Sherman, November - December 1981 (edition no. unknown)

Minneapolis, Walker Art Center, Eight Artists: The Anxious Edge, April - June 1982, cat. no. 10, p. 15, illustrated (edition no. unknown)

Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum; Ghent, Gewad; Bristol, Watershed Gallery; Southampton, Jack Hansard Gallery, University of Southampton; Erlangen, Palais Stutterheim; West Berlin, Haus Am Waldsee; Geneva, Centre d'Art Contemporain; Copenhagen, Sonja Henie and Niels Onstadt Foundation; Humleb


Andy Grunberg, "Cindy Sherman: A Playful and Political Post-Modernist," New York Times, November 22, 1981, illustrated (edition no. unknown)

Peter Schjeldahl, Cindy Sherman, New York, 1984, pl. 54, n.p., illustrated in color (edition no. unknown)

Rosalind Krauss, Cindy Sherman: 1975-1993, New York, 1993, pp. 96-97, illustrated in color (edition no. unknown)

Exh. Cat., Los Angeles, The Museum of Contemporary Art (and travelling), Cindy Sherman: A Retrospective, 1997, pl. 73, p. 102, illustrated in color (another example)

Catherine Morris, The Essential Cindy Sherman, New York, 1999, illustrated in color on the cover (edition no. unknown)

Exh. Cat., Paris, Jeu de Paume (and travelling), Cindy Sherman, 2006, pp. 82-83 and p. 249, illustrated in color (another example)