Tokyo, Laforet Museum, Next Wave of American Women: Cindy Sherman, April-May 1984, p. 12 (another example exhibited and illustrated in color). Lausanne, Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts and Stuttgart, Würtemberischer Kunstverein, L'Autoportrait á l'Age de la Photographie: Peintres et Photographes en Dialogue Avec Leur Propre Image, January-June 1985, p. 449 (another example exhibited and illustrated in color). New York, Whitney Museum of American Art, Cindy Sherman, July-October 1987, no. 83 (another example exhibited and illustrated in color). Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea di Milano, Cindy Sherman, July-August 1990, p. 42 (another example exhibited and illustrated in color). Museo de Arte Moderna de Säo Paulo, Cindy Sherman--The Self Which Is Not One, 1995, p. 19 (another example exhibited and illustrated in color). Munich, Sammlung Goetz, Jürgen Klauke, Cindy Sherman September 1994-March 1995, p. 48 (another example exhibited and illustrated in color).