Top-100 artists:

Study for Portrait by Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon

Study for Portrait, 1977

Oil and dry transfer lettering on canvas
198.1 x 147.6 cm (78 x 58.13 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, New York (18 May 2018)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
May 18, 2018
Christie'sNew YorkPost-War and Contemporary Art Evening Sale7B
$****** - ******
Study for Portrait
Artwork Description



198.1 x 147.6 cm (78 x 58.13 in)


oil and dry transfer lettering on canvas


signed, titled and dated 'Study for Portrait 1977 Francis Bacon' (on the reverse)


Marlborough International Fine Art, Vaduz

Acquired from the above by the present owner, 13 May 1977


London, Royal Academy of Arts, British Painting 1952-1977, September-November 1977, p. 29, no. 29.

Madrid, Fundación Juan March; Barcelona, Fundació Joan Miró, Francis Bacon, April-July 1978, n.p., no. 14 (illustrated in color).

New York, Marlborough Gallery, Francis Bacon: Recent Paintings, April-June 1980, pp. 6 and 8-9, no. 1 (illustrated in color).

New Haven, Yale Center for British Art, Yale University; Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Eight Figurative Painters, October 1981-March 1982, pp. 52 and 58, no. 22 (illustrated).

Tokyo, National Museum of Modern Art; Kyoto, National Museum of Modern Art; Nagoya, Aichi Prefectural Art Gallery, Francis Bacon: Paintings 1945-1982, June-November 1983, pp. 70 and 87, no. 34 (illustrated in color).

Institut Valencia d’Art Moderne; Paris, Fondation Dina Vierny-Musée Maillol, Francis Bacon: Le Sacré et le Profane, December 2003-June 2004, p. 99 (Valencia, illustrated in color); pp. 122-123 and 157 (Paris, illustrated in color).

Monaco, Grimaldi Forum, Francis Bacon, Monaco and French Culture, July-September 2016, pp. 86 and 230, no. 44 (illustrated in color).


M. Leiris, ed., Francis Bacon: Full Face and In Profile, Oxford, 1983, pp. 200 and 269, no. 113 (illustrated in color).

M. Leiris, ed., Francis Bacon, Barcelona, 1987, pp. 92 and 127, no. 106 (illustrated in color).

J. Russell, Francis Bacon, London, 1993, pp. 164 and 202, no. 88 (illustrated).

W. Schmied, Francis Bacon: Commitment and Conflict, Munich, 2006, p. 99, fig. 124 (illustrated).

M. Harrison, ed., Francis Bacon: Catalogue Raisonné, Volume IV 1971-92, London, 2016, pp. 1126-1127, no. 77-03 (illustrated in color).


signed, titled and dated 'Study for Portrait 1977 Francis Bacon' (on the reverse)

oil and dry transfer lettering on canvas

78 x 58 1/8 in. (198.2 x 147.7 cm.)

Painted in 1977.