Amsterdam, Municipal Museum, The Municipal Museum Exhibition, July - August 1905, no. 207. New York, Montross Gallery, October 1905, no. 66. Basel, Kunsthalle, Vincent van Gogh, March - April 1924, no. 46. Zurich, Kunsthaus, Vincent van Gogh, 3 July - 10 August 1924, no. 57. Stuttgart, Württembergischer Kunstverein, October - November 1924, no. 28. Paris, Galerie Marcel Bernheim, Vincent van Gogh, Exposition Rétrospective, January 1925, no. 36. The Hague, Pulchri Studio, March - April 1925, no. 26. Munich, Glaspalast, 1926, no. 2071. Berlin, Galerie Thannhauser, 8 January - February 1927 (not in catalogue). Cleveland, Museum of Art, French art since 1800, 1929 (illustrated p. 168). New York, Wildenstein & Co.,The art and life of Vincent van Gogh, 1943, no.49 (illustrated). Cleveland, Museum of Art, The work of Vincent van Gogh, 1943, no. 49 (illustrated p. 90). Cleveland, Museum of Art, Work by Vincent van Gogh, 1948, no. 23 (illustrated pl. XXIV). Columbus, Gallery of Fine Arts, Masterpieces of Painting, 1950, no. 37. New York, Wildenstein & Co., Van Gogh, 1955, no. 52 (illustrated p. 60). New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery, Pictures collected by Yale alumni, 1956, no. 99 (illustrated). Los Angeles, Municipal Art Gallery, Vincent van Gogh, 1957, no. 17 (illustrated p. 31). London, Wildenstein & Co., The French Impressionists and some of their Contemporaries, April - May 1963, no. 71 (illustrated). Martigny, Fondation Pierre Gianadda, Van Gogh, June - November 2000, no. 79.