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L'oeil de la montagne by René Magritte

L'oeil de la montagne, 1928

Oil on canvas
73.5 x 54 cm (28.94 x 21.26 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, London (02 Feb 2010)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Feb 2, 2010
Christie'sLondonThe Art of the Surreal112
$****** - ******
L'oeil de la montagne
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Artwork Description



73.5 x 54 cm (28.94 x 21.26 in)


oil on canvas


signed 'Magritte' (lower right); titled 'L'OEIL DE LA MONTAGNE' (on the overlap)


E.L.T. Mesens, London, by whom probably acquired from Galerie Le Cantaure in 1932-1933. Harold Diamond, New York, by whom acquired from the above in 1959-1960. Reiss-Cohen Gallery, New York. Anonymous sale, Sotheby's, New York, 15 October 1969, lot 70. Galerie Beyeler, Basel (no. 2507). Anonymous sale, Galerie Motte, Geneva, 1 March 1975. Anonymous sale, Christie's, London, 27 June 1978, lot 64.


Basel, Galerie Beyeler, Moon and Space, January - February 1970, no. 46. Basel, Galerie Beyeler, Venus, September - October 1972, no. 58. Basel, Galerie Beyeler, Surréalisme et Peinture, February - April 1974, no. 45.


L'Oeil, Paris, November 1969 (illustrated on the cover). D. Sylvester (ed.), René Magritte, catalogue raisonné, oil paintings 1916-1930, vol. I, Antwerp, 1992, no. 235 (illustrated p. 284).