G. Geffroy, "La Venise de Claude Monet" in La Dépêche de Toulouse, 30 May 1912, p. 1.
A. Alexandre, Claude Monet, Paris, 1921, p. 110 (illustrated in color, p. 111; titled Venise).
Bulletin de la Vie Artistique, 15 February 1921, p. 114 (illustrated).
O. Reuterswärd, Monet: En konstnärshistorik, Stockholm, 1948, pp. 255-256 (illustrated, p. 255, fig. 122).
G. Bernheim de Villers, Little Tales of Great Artists, New York, 1949, p. 69 (illustrated; titled Venise).
R. Jullian, "Les Impressionnistes français et l'Italie" in Publications de l'Institut Français de Florence, 1968, 1ère série, NII-11, p. 19.
A. Davis, "Sutton Place Townhouse: Italian Designer Blends Fine Art and Décor" in Architectural Digest, December 1977, pp. 38-47 (illustrated in color in situ in Drue Heinz's home, p. 38).
G. Seiberling, Monet's Series, New York, 1981, pp. 210-211, 338 and 380, no. 16, note 43.
D. Wildenstein, Claude Monet: Biographie et catalogue raisonné, Lausanne, 1985, vol. IV, p. 242, no. 1760 (illustrated, p. 243).
S.Z. Levine, Monet, Narcissus and Self-Reflection: The Modernist Myth of the Self, Chicago, 1994, p. 179.
S. Koja, Claude Monet, exh. cat., Osterreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna, 1996, p. 151 (illustrated).
D. Wildenstein, Monet: Catalogue raisonné, Cologne, 1996, vol. IV, pp. 825-826, no. 1760 (illustrated in color, p. 825).
M. Goldin, Monet: I luoghi della pittura, Conegliano, 2001, pp. 186 and 191, note 17.
M. Vallora, "Una Venezia dipinta di parole" in Monet: Atti del convegno, Conegliano, 2003, p. 79 (illustrated).