Jacob Baart de la Faille, L'Oeuvre de Vincent van Gogh, Catalogue Raisonné, Dessins, Aquarelles, Lithographies, Paris, 1928, vol. III, no. 1087, catalogued p. 59; vol. IV, no. 1087, illustrated pl. LXV (titled Femme ramassant du linge)
Walther Vanbeselaere, De hollandsche periode in het werk van Vincent van Gogh, 1937, illustrated pp. 103, 205 & 410
Jacob Baart de la Faille, The Works of Vincent van Gogh, His Paintings and Drawings, London, 1970, no. F. 1087, illustrated p. 395
Jacob Baart de la Faille, Vincent van Gogh: The Complete Works on Paper, Catalogue Raisonné, San Francisco, 1992, vol. I, no. 1087, catalogued p. 278; vol. II, illustrated pl. LXV
Jan Hulsker, The New Complete Van Gogh, Paintings, Drawings, Sketches, Amsterdam & Philadelphia, 1996, no. 200, illustrated p. 54 (titled Woman Spreading Out Laundry on a Field)