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Vermalung (grau) by Gerhard Richter

Vermalung (grau), 1970

Oil, painted with the fingers, on poly paper
39.5 x 39 cm (15.55 x 15.35 in)
Works on Paper
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Ketterer Kunst, Munich (09 Jun 2023)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Jun 9, 2023
Ketterer KunstMunichContemporary Art Day Sale220
$****** - ******
Vermalung (grau)
Similar Artworks
Artwork Description

Works on Paper


39.5 x 39 cm (15.55 x 15.35 in)


Oil, painted with the fingers, on poly paper


Signed, dated "70" and inscribed with direction arrows on the reverse. Unnumbered "


Private collection Southern Germany Private collection Southern Germany.


Gerhard Richter. Editionen 1965-1993, ex. cat. Kunsthalle Bremen, October 24 - November 21, 1993, with a register of the editions, 37, p. 118, with illu. (different copy). Lempertz, Cologne, auction on June 19, 2020, lot 9.


Vermalung (grau) . 1970/71. Oil, painted with the fingers, on poly paper. Butin 45. Signed, dated "70" and inscribed with direction arrows on the reverse. Unnumbered copy aside from the series of 150 unique objects (of which 20 were destroyed). 39.5 x 39 cm (15.5 x 15.3 in). The serially made works differ in terms of the monochrome color fields that fill the manually applied mesh of lines. This way each work is of unique character. According to Mr. Butin, there are two possible explanations for the date "70": the work was made beyond the edition and was erroneously dated "70" at a later point, or the work was actually made before the edition, as a sort of proof copy. The exact reason can not be identified at this late point. • Of unique character. • The "Inpaintings" were a key theme of Richter"s art in the early 1970s. • In the "Inpaintings", Richter explores and analyzes an abstract gestural painting . Accompanied by a written expertise issued by Hubertus Butin on July 9, 2020.