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Femme écrivant (Marie-Thérèse) by Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso

Femme écrivant (Marie-Thérèse), 1934

Oil on canvas
80.9 x 64.7 cm (31.85 x 25.47 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, London (27 Jun 2017)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Jun 27, 2017
Christie'sLondonImpressionist & Modern Art Evening Sale8
$****** - ******
Femme écrivant (Marie-Thérèse)
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Artwork Description



80.9 x 64.7 cm (31.85 x 25.47 in)


oil on canvas


signed ‘Picasso’ (upper left), inscribed and dated ‘Boisgeloup 26 mars XXXIV.’ (along the lower edge)


Galerie Louise Leiris, Paris.

Daniel & Eleanore Saidenberg, New York, by whom acquired from the above in 1961.

Robert Saidenberg, by descent from the above in 1999.

Doris Ammann, Zurich.

Richard Gray Gallery, Chicago.

Private collection, Ohio, by whom acquired from the above on 28 July 2003.

Lefevre Fine Art Ltd, London, by whom acquired from the above.

Acquired from the above by the present owner in 2009.


Zurich, Thomas Ammann Fine Art, Thirty Three Women, June - September 2003, p. 6 (illustrated; detail illustrated on the cover).

Chicago, Richard Gray Gallery, Richard Gray Gallery: Forty Years, September - October 2003 (no cat.).


C. Zervos, Pablo Picasso, vol. VIII, Oeuvres de 1932 à 1937, Paris, 1957, no. 183 (illustrated pl. 79).

C.P. Warncke & I.F. Walther, Pablo Picasso, 1881-1973, New York, 1991, p. 25 (illustrated; cataloguing details for Zervos, vol. VIII, no. 246 erroneously included with incorrect location).


signed ‘Picasso’ (upper left); inscribed and dated ‘Boisgeloup 26 mars XXXIV.’ (along the lower edge)

oil on canvas

31 7/8 x 25 1/2 in. (80.9 x 64.7 cm.)

Painted in Boisgeloup on 26 March 1934