Christian Zervos, Pablo Picasso, œuvres de 1906 à 1912 , vol. II, Paris, 1942, no. 305, p. 148, illustrated
Vincenc Kramár, Otázky moderního umění, K problémům umění první poloviny 20. století , Prague, 1958, no. 19, illustrated and illustrated on the front cover
Miroslav Lamač, "Picasso in den Jahren 1907-1913," Alte und Moderne Kunst , vol. IV, no. 3, 1959, p. 17, illustrated
Jiri Padrta, Picasso: The Early Years , New York, 1960, p. 5, pl. 19, illustrated in color
Fiorella Minervino, Tout l"oeuvre peint de Picasso, 1907-1916 , Paris, 1977, no. 451, pp. 109-10, illustrated
Pierre Daix and Joan Rosselet, Le Cubisme de Picasso: Catalogue raisonné de l"œuvre peint 1907-1916 , Neuchâtel, 1979, no. 455, p. 276, illustrated
Josep Palau i Fabre, Picasso: Cubism (1907-1917) , Barcelona, 1990, no. 658, p. 238, illustrated
Exh. Cat., Dusseldorf, Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Kubismus in Prag 1909-1925 , p. 34, illustrated (in a 1931 photograph of Vincenc Kramář"s apartment)
Exh. Cat., Prague, Národní galerie, Vincenc Kramář, from Old Masters to Picasso , 2000-01, p. 21, illustrated (in a 1931 photograph of Vincenc Kramář"s apartment)
Jana Claverie, Vincenc Kramář: un théoricien et collectionneur du cubisme à Prague , Paris, 2002, p. 102, illustrated; p. 263, illustrated (in a 1931 photograph of Vincenc Kramář"s apartment)
Vincenc Kramář, Le Cubisme , Paris, 2002, p. 91, illustrated (in a 1931 photograph of Vincenc Kramář"s apartment)
Pavel Štěpánek, Picasso en Praga , Madrid, 2005, fig. 29, p. 89, illustrated
Exh. Cat., Prague, Národní galerie, Picasso in the Collections of the National Gallery in Prague , 2008-09, pp. 16 and 19