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Buste d'homme by Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso

Buste d'homme, 1969

Oil and Ripolin on canvas
130.2 x 96.8 cm (51.25 x 38.13 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Sotheby's, New York (24 Oct 2021)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Oct 24, 2021
Sotheby'sNew YorkPicasso: Masterworks from the MGM Resorts Fine Art Collection8
$****** - ******
Buste d'homme
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Artwork Description



130.2 x 96.8 cm (51.25 x 38.13 in)


Oil and Ripolin on canvas


Signed Picasso (upper right); dated 10.9.69 and numbered II (on the reverse)


Estate of the artist

Galerie Louise Leiris, Paris

Private Collection, Switzerland

Mirage Resorts, Las Vegas (acquired from the above on September 19, 1997)

Acquired from the above


Rafael Alberti, A Year of Picasso Paintings: 1969 , New York, 1971, illustrated in color n.p. (titled Man )

Rafael Alberti, Picasso en Avignon. Commentaires à une peinture en mouvement , Paris, 1971, illustrated in color n.p. (titled Homme )

Christian Zervos, Pablo Picasso: Oeuvres de 1969 , vol. XXXI, Paris, 1976, no. 420, illustrated pl. 120 (before the artist’s signature)

Robert Rosenblum, “Pablo Picasso, Pierrot; Head of a Man, Bust of a Man” in The Bellagio Gallery of Fine Art: Impressionist and Modern Masters, Las Vegas, 1998, illustrated in color p. 144

Robert Rosenblum, “Pablo Picasso, Pierrot; Head of a Man, Bust of a Man” in The Bellagio Gallery of Fine Art: European and American Masters, Las Vegas, 1999, illustrated in color p. 166


Pablo Picasso

1881 - 1973

Buste d'homme

Signed Picasso (upper right); dated 10.9.69 and numbered II (on the reverse)

Oil and Ripolin on canvas

51 1/4 by 38 1/8 in. 130.3 by 97 cm

Painted on September 10, 1969.