Top-100 artists:

La liseuse by Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso

La liseuse, 1921

Pastel on paper
63.3 x 48 cm (24.92 x 18.9 in)
Works on Paper
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, London (23 Jun 2010)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Jun 23, 2010
Christie'sLondonImpressionist/Modern Evening Sale10
$****** - ******
La liseuse
Artwork Description

Works on Paper


63.3 x 48 cm (24.92 x 18.9 in)


pastel on paper


signed 'Picasso' (upper right)


Marie Cuttoli, Paris, by 1954. Galerie Beyeler, Basel (no. 6527). Acquired from the above by the family of the present owner in 1968.


Paris, Musée national d'Art moderne, Depuis Bonnard, March - May 1957, no. 147 (titled 'Femme à la lecture'). Paris, Galerie Charpentier, Cent tableaux de collections privées (de Bonnard à de Staël), April - May 1960. Paris, Galerie Max Kaganovitch, Oeuvre Choisies du XXe Siècle, May - June 1962. Strasbourg, Château des Rohan, La grande aventure de l'art du XXe siècle, June - September 1963, no. 87. Paris, Galerie de l'Élysée (Alex Maguy), Hommage à Picasso, November 1966 - February 1967. Zurich, Kunsthaus (titled 'Femme à la lecture', dated 'circa 1924').


C. Zervos, Pablo Picasso, supplément aux volumes 1 à 5, vol. 6, Paris, 1954, no. 1422 (illustrated pl. 169). The Picasso Project (ed.), Picasso's Paintings, Watercolours, Drawings and Sculpture, A Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue 1885-1973, Neoclassicism I, 1920-1921, San Francisco, 1995, no. 21-268 (illustrated p. 252, titled 'Seated Woman Reading a Book'). J. Palau i Fabre, Picasso, from the ballets to drama (1917-1926), Barcelona, 1999, no. 950, pp. 286 and 509 (illustrated p. 254, dated 'end 1920'). D. Paulvé, Marie Cuttoli, Paris, 2010 (illustrated in photograph).