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Femme au béret rouge-orange by Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso

Femme au béret rouge-orange, 1938

Oil and Ripolin on canvas
46 x 38.1 cm (18.13 x 15 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Sotheby's, New York (24 Oct 2021)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Oct 24, 2021
Sotheby'sNew YorkPicasso: Masterworks from the MGM Resorts Fine Art Collection11
$****** - ******
Femme au béret rouge-orange
Nov 10, 1987
Christie'sNew YorkImpressionist and Modern Paintings and Sculpture (PartI) Sale No.44
$****** - ******
Femme au béret rouge-orange
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Artwork Description



46 x 38.1 cm (18.13 x 15 in)


Oil and Ripolin on canvas


Dated 14.1.38 (lower right)

Claude Picasso has confirmed the authenticity of this work.


Estate of the artist

Marina Picasso (by descent from the above)

Sale: Christie’s, New York, November 10, 1987, lot 44

Thomas Ammann Fine Art AG, Zurich

Galerie Urban, Paris (acquired from the above in 1989)

Itochu Gallery, Tokyo

Acquavella Galleries, New York (acquired from the above 1997)

Mirage Resorts, Las Vegas (acquired from the above in July 1998)

Acquired from the above


David Douglas Duncan, Picasso’s Picassos, New York, 1961, illustrated p. 229

Françoise Gilot, “Pablo Picasso, Woman with Beret” in The Bellagio Gallery of Fine Art: Impressionist and Modern Masters, Las Vegas, 1998, illustrated in color p. 118

Françoise Gilot, “Pablo Picasso, Woman with Beret” in The Bellagio Gallery of Fine Art: European and American Masters, Las Vegas, 1999, illustrated in color p. 140

Laura Payne, Essential Picasso , London, 1999, p. 157

Josep Palau i Fabre, Picasso. From the Minotaur to Guernica (1927-1939) , Barcelona, 2011, illustrated p. 361 (titled Portrait of a Woman with a Striped Beret )


Pablo Picasso

1881 - 1973

Femme au béret rouge-orange

Dated 14.1.38 (lower right)

Oil and Ripolin on canvas

18 1/8 by 15 in. 46 by 38 cm

Painted on January 14, 1938.

Claude Picasso has confirmed the authenticity of this work.