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Self-Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Peter Paul Rubens

Peter Paul Rubens

Self-Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Oil on western European oak, with Baltic oak additions
68.3 x 49.2 cm (26.88 x 19.38 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Sotheby's, New York (01 Feb 2024)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Feb 1, 2024
Sotheby'sNew YorkMaster Paintings & Sculpture Part I316
$****** - ******
Self-Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
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Artwork Description



68.3 x 49.2 cm (26.88 x 19.38 in)


oil on western European oak, with Baltic oak additions


The artist"s estate;

Thence either by descent to his daughter, Clara Johanna Rubens (1632-1689) or his son, Frans Rubens (1633-1678);

Thence, if via the former, by descent to Philippe Constantin van Parys (1665-1729), the son of Clara Johanna Rubens and Philippe van Parys (d. 1699), Lord of Merksem and Dambrugge, or, if via the latter, by descent to Catherine Françoise Rubens (1667-1717), the daughter of Suzanna Charles (d. 1682) and Frans Rubens;

Thence by descent to Jean-Baptiste Jacques van Parys (d. 1787), the son of Phillipe Constantin van Parys and Catherine Françoise Rubens;

Thence by inheritance to his sister, Isabelle Alexandrine Joséphine van Parys (1704-1792), who married François Charles Hyacinthe Joseph, Count of Respani;

Thence by descent to their daughter, Catherine Hyacinthe Ghislaine Respani (1738-1800), who married Jean-Baptiste, Vicomte van der Fosse;

Thence by descent to their son, Alexandre François Ghislaine, Vicomte van der Fosse (1769-1840);

Thence by descent to his daughter, Justine van der Fosse (1795-1853), Countess van der Stegen de Schrieck;

By whose heirs sold (under the name “M[onsieur] Van Parys”), Brussels, Etienne le Roy, 6 October 1853, lot 25 (as Peter Paul Rubens, “Portrait de Rubens,” 55 by 40.5 cm.);

Where acquired by Georges Edouard Warneck on behalf of Leroy d"Étiolles (1798-1860), Paris, for 1,900 francs;

His estate sale, Paris, Hôtel Drouot, 21-22 February 1861, lot 101 (as Peter Paul Rubens, “Portrait d"homme (Rubens lui-même?),” 62 by 51 cm.);

Where acquired by Adolphe-Henry Guignot (1820-1872) on behalf of Auguste Louis Joseph de Morny (1811-1865), Duc de Morny, for 3,000 francs;

With Charles Sedelmeyer Gallery, Paris, by 1894 (as Peter Paul Rubens, “Portrait of the Artist"s Brother,” about 59.7 by 48.3 cm.);

Carl Robert Lamm (1856-1938), Näsby Castle, near Stockholm, Sweden;

His sale, New York, American Art Galleries, 22 February 1923, lot 619 (as Peter Paul Rubens, “Portrait of Philip Rubens”);

Where acquired by A. Schmidt, for $7,500;

John Åke Truls Wiberg (1902-1963), Sweden, by 1942;

Thence by descent;

Anonymous sale, Uppsala, Auktionskammare, 15-18 June 2021, lot 607 (as Circle of Anthony van Dyck, “Portrait of a gentleman,” 59.5 by 40.0 cm. panel set into a 68.5 by 49.5 cm. panel);

Where acquired by the previous owner.


G.P. Mensaert, Le peintre amateur et curieux, ou Description générale des tableaux des plus habiles maîtres …, Brussels 1763, p. 262;

Illustrated Catalogue of 100 Paintings of Old Masters of the Dutch, Flemish, Italian, French and English Schools belonging to the Sedelmeyer Gallery , Paris 1894, p. 48, cat. no. 39, reproduced (as Peter Paul Rubens, “Portrait of the Artist"s Brother,” about 59.7 by 48.3 cm.);

M. Rooses, "Oeuvres de Rubens, Addenda," in Bulletin-Rubens 5 (1910), p. 71 (as Peter Paul Rubens, "Portrait of the Artist"s Brother").


Sir Peter Paul Rubens

Siegen 1577 - 1640 Antwerp

Self-Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

oil on western European oak, with Baltic oak additions

original panel: 21 ⅞ by 15 ¾ in.; 55.5 by 40.0 cm.

with Baltic oak additions: 26 ⅞ by 19 ⅜ in.; 68.2 by 49.4 cm.

framed: 32 ¾ by 26 ⅝ in.; 83.1 by 67.5 cm.